Regndans (raindance)
a luminaire that enhances a natural cycle
Part of the KTH research project "Sensing energy"
Material: Acrylic, wire, halogen lamp.
Konstfack 2017
Regndans (raindance)
a luminaire that enhances a natural cycle
Part of the KTH research project "Sensing energy"
Material: Acrylic, wire, halogen lamp.
Konstfack 2017
Regndans (raindance)
a luminaire that enhances a natural cycle
Part of the KTH research project "Sensing energy"
Material: Acrylic, wire, halogen lamp.
Konstfack 2017
Lek inte med maten (don't play with the food)
music instruments for cooking
Bachelor degree project at Konstfack 2018
Objects: Hacka (chopp), Riva (grate), Krydda (spice) and Äggklocka (egg timer).
Materials: PLA filament, steel, aluminum, porcelain
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